
Intelligence in innovation: process, product, service

Ioan-Georgian Neagu1, Améziane Aoussat1

1 Arts et Metiers ParisTech, LCPI

151 boulevard de l’Hôpital

75013 Paris, France

georgeioan.neagu@gmail.com ; ameziane.aoussat@ensam.eu


ABSTRACT: The intelligence represents the capacity to adapt to a situation or environment and apply knowledge in order to solve a problem. This study focuses on the active and passive intelligence products, and questions the way to innovate using these two concepts on a market where innovation is a challenge. We are interested on product/service intelligence, but also on process intelligence and how an innovation process could become smart.  Based on other studies, we introduce a classification of product’s levels of evolution, starting from a basic product to the product environment. Applying an approach based on research and experimentation, we answer our question by developing two hypotheses and by combining two methodologies, the Lean Start-up proposed by [Ries, 2011] and New Product Design Approach proposed by [Aoussat, 1990] that we further experiment in an international, multidisciplinary and multicultural environment, on multiple market segments.

KEYWORDS: discovery, active and passive intelligence, Lean Start-up, smart product, embedded intelligence