
A design method to integrate stimuli-responsive materials

Marie Darrouzet1, Améziane Aoussat2

1 LCPI, Arts et Métiers ParisTech

151 Boulevard de l’hôpital

75013 Paris


2 LCPI, Arts et Métiers ParisTech

151 Boulevard de l’hôpital

75013 Paris



ABSTRACT. Stimuli responsive materials are “smart” materials which can change their shape or their mechanical properties upon environmental variations. Still at the research stage, these new materials offer functionalities that promise to revolutionize uses: energy-free actuators, sensors, self-adaptive products… This paper aims to propose a collaborative design method, user-centred, to integrate this innovation into new products. The concepts thus created will satisfy the needs of users while optimizing the functionalities of these new materials.

KEYWORDS: Breakthrough innovation, Collaborative conception, User-centric conception, KCP Method, Design Thinking, Stimuli-responsive Materials, smart materials.

MOTS-CLÉS : Innovation de rupture, conception collaborative, conception centrée utilisateurs, méthode KCP, Design Thinking, matériaux intelligents.