Eco-design maturity model: Proposal to foster Eco-design integration in Drug development

Simon Massot1,2, Duc-Nam Luu1,2, Nicolas Maranzana1, Améziane Aoussat1

1 Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology, LCPI, HESAM University,

151 boulevard de l’Hôpital,

75013 Paris, France

2 Sanofi,

82 avenue Raspail,

94250 Gentilly, France


Abstract: The use of the Eco-design approach could help pharmaceutical companies improve the environmental footprint of their products. In order to reach this goal, it is necessary to track and support the integration of this approach within the NPD process. Maturity models are tools designed to assist practitioners in their job, enabling the follow-up of implementation of specific topics. Hence, the use of an Eco-design maturity model seemed appropriate. The review of existing Eco-design maturity models allowed the identification of their strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, their analysis and evaluation resulted in the identification of key aspects for the design of a specific model for pharmaceutical companies. The proposed Eco-design maturity model is based on the existing models and is adapted to the specificities of the pharmaceutical NPD process. The model will be used by R&D managers and is composed of Eco-design tools and Eco-design management practices. A detailed application method is submitted for a better use of the model. Finally, further actions to be carried out are suggested to investigate the reliability and use of the model.

Keywords: Eco-design, Pharmaceutica Industry, Process, Maturity, Management